
HFCGaming is a small app company whose goal is to produce affordable, yet high quality apps and games.



An app for toddlers. Testing with 2yr olds has produced very positivbe feedback. Also, Fair Play for Android is coming soon.


WebWars is a remake of the classic game of the same name that was developed for the cutting-edge Vectrex system. HFCGaming received permission from legendary innovator Jay Smith to remake WebWars. Now available on the App StoreSM.

- 2/22/13


A deal has been signed with Jay Smith to develop a remake of the classic WebWars game.

Agent Fusion has been shelved.

- 2/1/12


WebWars for iPhone® and iPad® might become a reality.

- 1/23/12


The framework for the first introductory level of Agent Fusion has been done for some time. Joseph is finishing the Agent Fusion models and animations. Hopefully he will be done in January.

- 12/21/09


StaggerCalc has been released on the App StoreSM. This nifty piece of software was written for Daniel's racing friends. It calculates the optimum rear tire stagger for a race car based upon the turn radius and banking of a particular track. This software also allows stagger setups to be saved and recalled for later use.

- 11/14/09
